Dear Patient Families and Loved Ones:
In our continuing effort to balance our responsibility to maintain a COVID-safe environment in the Eleanor A. Koons Hospice House, while ensuring access to your loved one, we are amending our visitor policy effective January 25, 2021:
- Visiting hours: Noon to 7 p.m. daily
- Each patient is permitted one (1) visitor per day. The visitor shall be one (1) of three (3) previously designated individuals and must be the same person daily to minimize the number of people in the facility.
- Once a visitor leaves the building, they will not be permitted to re-enter.
- To ensure the safety of our patients and associates, all visitors will be asked to complete a COVID-19 screening survey. If the visitor has an elevated temperature or does not pass the screening survey, they will not be eligible to visit.
- All visitors shall bring and wear a facemask during the entirety of the visit.
- Visitors are asked to remain in the patient room at all times and to please use the call bell if assistance is needed.
- Social distancing and handwashing remain an important part for keeping everyone healthy.
- Thank you for adhering to these safe practices.
We recognize some of our patients may be experiencing mental or physical limitations resulting in the patient being classified as disabled, according to the Maryland Department of Health and the Maryland Department of Disabilities. Therefore, the patient is entitled to designate up to two (2) support persons who are identified as the primary caregiver. The primary caregiver(s)/support person(s) are part of the three (3) patient-designated individuals and shall be granted priority for visiting during the defined visiting hours.
As patients approach their final days of life, our team will work with the family or primary caregiver (support person), on any additional visit accommodations needed.
Once again, on behalf of the entire Talbot Hospice family, thank you for trusting us with the care of your loved one and for adhering to our interim COVID-19 visitor policy so together we can keep everyone as safe as possible.