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Palliative Care

What is Palliative Care?


If you or someone you love lives with a chronic, serious illness, Talbot Palliative Care can help.

Palliative Care is specialized medical care for individuals who are living with a with serious illnesses. Whatever the diagnosis may be, Talbot Palliative Care focuses on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness.

One of the important goals of palliative care is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family, which in turn, can lessen repeat hospital visits.

Talbot Palliative Care provides clinical symptom management and oversight of your care and works closely with your community providers. Our focus is on alleviation of symptoms as well as meeting emotional and spiritual needs of patients and families.

Palliative care can be provided in conjunction with home health services and other treatment plans regardless of the patient's diagnosis, prognosis or age.

Our palliative care team can assist physicians, patients, and their families with needs related to:

  • Pain & symptom management
  • Medication management  & education
  • Anxiety, agitation, and delirium
  • Respiratory symptoms
  • Cardiac symptoms
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and constipation
  • Fatigue and sleep disorders
  • End-of-life decisions/conversations and advanced care planning
  • Social assessment and support

We Come to You

Talbot Palliative Care will provide consultations and care in a wide range of settings, including the patient’s home, assisted living or long-term care facilities, and nursing homes.

Talbot Palliative Care provides consultative services to help you find relief from pain and other symptoms. Our palliative care team consists of a Nurse Practitioner, Care Coordinator, Social Worker, Chaplain, and Pharmacist.

Our compassionate well-trained volunteers are available for companionship as well as social and emotional support. Volunteers can provide all-important respite for caregivers so they can have time for themselves to rest and restore. Some palliative care patients may be eligible for transportation assistance for medical appointments.


Who Can Benefit?

Palliative care is appropriate for anyone with a chronic, serious illness who is experiencing uncontrolled symptoms caused by the disease itself or as a side-effect from current treatment.

Patients with Cancer, CHF, COPD, renal failure, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic conditions

Patients with a serious illness AND one or more of the following:

  • Frequent ER visits or hospitalizations
  • Uncontrolled physical or emotional  symptoms
  • Difficulty with accessing office-based care
  • Uncertainty about goals of care and/or caregiver distress
  • Individuals living with chronic, serious illnesses often find themselves in an unending cycle of health crises that lead from home to the hospital and back home again.

Patients and families benefit from:

  • Effective pain and symptom management
  • Improved quality of life
  • A plan of care based on your needs and goals
  • Maintaining independence & control over your care
  • Coordination of care and community services
  • Reduced hospital readmissions and Emergency Room visits  
  • Disease education and treatment options
  • Support to reduce the stress that may come with a serious illness
  • Extra layer of support in partnership with your provider and your caregiver

To learn more, please call our Talbot Palliative Care at 410-822-2040.

Affiliations & Accreditations

  • Hospice Alliance
    Hospice Alliance
  • Alliance Kids
    Alliance Kids
  • Teleios Collaborative Network
    Teleios Collaborative Network
  • We Honor Veterans