Talbot Hospice Speaker's Bureau

Talbot Hospice is the community’s leading resource regarding end of life and the many issues and concerns individuals and families will face as they navigate the last chapter as a patient or loved one.
Talbot Hospice welcomes the opportunity to speak to groups of any size including
Civic and service groups
Church groups
Medical professionals
Counseling professionals
Social service agencies
School groups
Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities
Neighborhood groups
Retirement communities
Book clubs
Men’s and women’s groups
Presentations can be general in nature or tailored to the special interests or needs of the audience. Topics include the following:
Understanding Hospice
Hospice 101: Debunking the Myths
Hospice is More Thank You Think
Role of End-of-life Doulas
We Honor Veterans
Dementia Care in the Dying
Caring for the Caregiver
Spirituality at the end of life
Facing the Food Issue: Nourishment at the end of life
Sharing Your Gifts by Volunteering at Talbot Hospice
Making Your Final Wishes Known: Advance Healthcare Planning
Grief and Loss
Moving Past the Stages of Grief
How Grief Theory Has Evolved
Fluidity and Cyclical Nature of Grief
Grief is a Whole-person Experience...Not Just Emotional
Children's Grief
Children’s Grief: It’s Different from Adults
How Playing is the Language of Children
Palliative Care
Learn the Art of Pain Management
Unlocking the Secrets of Pain Management
The Pain Management Epidemic
Why You Need To Manage Pain
Molly Kirsch, BSN, RN - Talbot Hospice Executive Director
Ginni Blackiston - Palliative Care Coordinator
Megan Murray - Volunteer Coordinator
To schedule a speaker, please contact:
Wes Williams | 410-822-6681 | wwilliams@talbothospice.org